Monday 7 October 2013

Happiness & Sadness

Happiness and Sadness walk along the same path by the sea as the sun sets over the horizon.
Happiness asks Sadness about life and Sadness shrugs.

'What is there to say?', says Sadness, 'except for how lonely we are in all of this. How fragile we are - desperate souls trying to find the meaning of it all, but failing over and over again.'

Happiness looks at Sadness with a smile as the last trickles of light escape towards the black sky that creeps in from above.

'Hope', is all Happiness says and Sadness looks at him unconvinced.
Happiness stops walking and turns towards Sadness, as he grabs Sadness' cold hands up and encases them in his own.

'Hope, is a beautiful thing to hold on to', Happiness utters in a determined reassuring voice, 'for Hope will find you even in the darkest of places.'

Sadness lowers his head as he turns it around to see the first flickers of stars popping over the horizon.

'I guess, not even Doubt is strong enough when you have Hope', admits Sadness.
' Yes,' says Happiness, as they both hold hands and start walking again, in the light of the stars dangling from the black sky.

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